Quality Medical Alarms

Medical Emergency Alarms For Less

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Providing Medical Emergency Alarms At The Lowest Prices - Give Your Loved Ones Security In An Emergency

For two decades the people at Quality Medical Alarms have been a safety net for those of us who are the most at risk of a medical emergency.  This experience allows us to offer medical emergency alarms at the lowest rates in the business - AND YOU WILL NEVER PAY FOR EQUIPMENT.

We use only the best medical emergency alarms

  • Automatic 24-hour battery backup - The medical emergency alarms will continue to work for 24 hours if you should lose electricity.
  • Silent automatic check-in - The system will automatically perform a self diagnostic test every 7 days and report the system's status.  This feature is completely silent.
  • Medical emergency alarms by LifeResponseUSA

    UPDATE: New Lower Pricing
    As Low As $25 A Month!

    • Thirty day money back guarantee
    • Free set-up and shipping
    • Free equipment, service and support
    • Free highest quality medical emergency alarms
    • No long term agreements
    • No complicated paperwork

    Quality medical emergency alarms are UL tested
    Medical emergency alarms are UL tested and approved

    aarp recommends medical emergency alarms

    A SENIOR MOMENT: Seniors & Depression


    Emergency medical alarms help you live longer - here is some free information to help seniors enjoy those extra years. ___________________________________________________________________

    Feeling sad and depressed is something we all experience at times throughout our lives. However, when these feelings persist over a long period of time interfering with relationships and your daily routine, then you may be experiencing a clinical depression. The good news about depression is that it is usually very treatable and offers good prognosis.

    Depression is not a normal part of growing older but is fairly common in adults 65 and over. Diagnosing depression in the older adult is not always easy. The depressed person or family may think that it is just a passing mood. Additionally, many older adults were raised in an era when less was known about depression and it was not recognized as much as a disorder.

    Some older adults, therefore, worry about being labeled as “crazy” or “weak willed” if they step forward to get help. Other factors such as physical illness (cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke), chemical dependency, and dementias can complicate diagnosing depression accurately. Unfortunately, depression is not always recognized by health care professionals which can unfortunately delay treatment.

    Common symptoms of late life depression include continued sadness lasting two or more weeks, lack of energy, sleep problems, crying easily for no reason, feeling worthless or helpless, withdrawing from regular activities, difficulty concentrating, changes in appetite and weight, physical problems such as headaches and digestive problems, excessive worrying, and thoughts of death or suicide.

    Depression can be treated with counseling and also with medications as needed. Encouraging habits such as exercise, involvement in groups and activities and other relaxing pursuits can also be quite helpful.

    Antidepressants are the primary medications used to treat depressive disorders. These medications are not habit-forming or addictive. These medications work fairly well, but sometimes people have various side effects which usually decrease with time when beginning these medications.

    It is important to realize that depression is not a normal part of aging as some may think, and it is also very treatable. Meeting with a caring and compassionate counselor or talking candidly to your personal physician can put you on the road to recovery. Nobody should have to endure the pain of suffering with depression.

    • Now order an emergency medical alarm and enjoy your best years.

    medical emergency alarms

    Quality Medical Alarms * Protecting Americans Since 1991

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